North East Winnipeg Historical Society Inc. (2010)

East Kildonan History: G to I
All history files were created by Jim Smith. For more information or comments please email him at jimsmith@mts.net
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Gang Fight In East Kildonan June 1966
Garbage Disposal Plant Opens November 1961
Garden Centre To Open At 595 Munroe Avenue March 1986
Gas Leak Destroys Home At 454 Sydney Avenue November 1981
Gazebo To Be Built In Centennial Park December 1967
George Suttie First Mayor Of The New City Of East Kildonan June 1957
George Suttie Former Mayor Dies December 1968
George Wallis Greenhouses 721 Kimberly At Grey June 1966
Girl Guides Spend Weekend Camping In East Kildonan August 1924
Girls Softball Club Is Formed April 1932
Good Neighbours-Bronx Park Plans September 2007
Gordie's Cycle And Sport Goods Open At 853 Henderson Highway May 1957
Grace Lutheran Church (2 articles) 1951–1963
Greenwood Estates Ad October 1912
Grigg Manufacturing Company To Locate In East Kildonan June 1912
Grocer Robbed Off $325.00 April 1935
Grocery Ads 1908–1972
Gurvey's Pharmacy Grand Opening May 1948
Hampstead School Addition (4 articles)
Harry Thompson Named Secretary-Treasurer Of Kildonan January 1912
Helmsdale Avenue - Hazel Dell Avenue Pillars
Henderson Highway Paving 1930 (2 articles)
Henderson Library (3 articles)
Henry Kojima 1999 (2 articles)
High School Teacher's Salaries November 1968
Hockey Teams Honored April 1935
Holy Eucharist Ukrainian Catholic Church and Parish (3 articles)
Home And School Associations To Be Formed At All East Kildonan Schools September 1955
Homesites For Sale May 1911
Hotel To Be Built In East Kildonan April 1950
Hottest Day in Winnipeg on Record July 11 1936
Hugh Polson Pioneer Passes Away August 1922